Thursday, May 31, 2012

How I got rid of acne....

I started suffering from acne as I grew older.
I never had a baby face, maybe a few pimples here and there but nothing to severe.
At the age of 26, I started getting pimples more frequently.
I started to see pimples clustering together, some healed some new and some were just red bumps.
I even got ACNE-FREE products as a Christmas present!! That is how bad it was!
At the age of 27, my acne became so severe that I could not go out without makeup.
My cheeks were red, bumpy and dry.
All the pimples were in different stages of healing, some new some old and some were even scars.
I remember trying to cover my red bumps and instead of minimizing it, they would look worst.
I did not want to go out and I definitely did not want people to see me.
I had tried PROACTIVE, but that just made it worst. It gave me more pimples and a dry, flaky skin.
I called them, trying to get my money back, but instead  they told me I needed to give the product more time since making it worst is the first sign of getting rid of acne. I do not think so!
I needed something stronger and faster since my acne was just getting worst.
I tried ACNE-FREE products and sadly it gave me the same results as Proactive.
Thank goodness it was a gift!
I went to a dermatologist and she gave me a prescription for RETINOL 2.5%.
This product made my face so dry it literally looked like my face was burned.
It was painfully dry, flaky and red! I had to stop and use heavy creams to counter act the side effects.
Next, I went to another dermatologist that told me I needed laser treatments.
I supposedly needed 8 treatments costing $5,000 with a $1000 discount due to being in the medical field. 
Who has that kind of money?! Not me. So I went out looking for other alternatives.
I tried over the counter acne creams, toners, and facial washers. Nothing could stop this acne.
For Christmas 2011 my acne was so bad, my self esteem started to go down.
I could not take it anymore, I was desperate.
On January, I was seeing a beauty guru on youtube on how she got rid of  her acne.
(Check out the youtube video-\
I did not have anything to lose, so I immediately went to and placed an order.
I bought the complete system for $69.30 + S&H+taxes= around $80.
   (complete system includes- facial washer, treatment, moisturizer, jojoba oil and AHA) Regimen from site

Within a week I received the products.
I expected small containers but instead I received products as big as a water bottle!
I immediately started using it.
The regimen comes with detail  instructions  of how to properly wash your face and how to use these products.
I did not want to use this under makeup so I only used it at night (it is recommend to use it AM and PM)
Ah oh my gosh.... these products are a miracle.
Within 1 week-I started seeing that there were no more new pimples...
Within 2 weeks- Pimples started getting smaller and redness was diminishing.
Within a month my acne had literally been cleared!!
Yes, I did have a few scars but no more redness or pimples!!
After a few months I stop using it and I saw that there were no more pimples growing; however, I started eating greasy foods and my acne started once again but not as severe.
I immediately started using this regimen again and BAM within 2 weeks they were gone!
While using this regimen I did get a pimple maybe once a week but nothing to severe.

- Fast results- Clear skin within a month
- Easy to use
- Clear instructions
- 100% guarantee
- gets rid of white heads/blackheads
- Clear skin even if products not being used
- After a while- it clears acne scars too! (use the AHA for this)

- You can only purchase it from website
- 3 step treatment might be to time consuming since you need to let your face dry between each step. That    can take up to 5-15 minutes between each step.
- Dry skin (I used jojoba oil mixed with the lotion to avoid this)
- Consistent use every day for best results
- Price (shipment+taxes)

If you have acne and have tried everything and cannot get rid of acne, I recommend to try this product.
Best investment I have done in my life!

Chele :)

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

First Blog

Woke up at 3:30am and I just could not go back to sleep.
Kept tossing and turning thinking about the things I need to do and want to do. There are just so many!
Everyday I wake up thinking of trying new things but I always end up in bed, wasting my day surfing the web when I could be doing something productive.
Today when I woke up the first thing I did was grab my phone. I looked at some emails and play draw something until the battery died.
Next to it, I saw my kindle. Pushed the on button and to my disappointment, the battery was dead too.
I look at my computer and the battery was also depleted and the charger was all the way in the living room.
I was not about to walk all the way over there for a charger! 
I looked at the clock and read 4:00am.
I needed something that has internet, pronto!
I turned on the Wii and headed straight to youtube. That was another disappointment, slow internet!
I finally decided to walk to the living room and get the dang charger.
I came back from the living room with chips in one hand and the charger in the other.
A little unorthodox to eat hot chips and water at the wee hours of the morning, right?
I guess I should talk a little more about  myself as not to seem as a creature of the night.
I am a full time night shift registered nurse. I work from 6:30pm-7am.
I usually take my lunch at around 2-4am.
I guess that explains why I get hungry at ungodly hours.
As I munch on my chips while watching youtubers, I thought about trying to become one.
But how?
I am not pretty as most of the makeup gurus and I definitely cannot put makeup. 
I love anything that has to do with beauty: makeup, clothing, skin care, shopping.
My dilemma is that I love all that but I just do not know how to apply all that to myself.
I have tons and tons of makeup but I literally only use 5 things everyday: moisturizer, concealer, mascara, blush, and lipstain.
And fashion? I have no fashion. I am a t-shirt and jeans kinda girl. Well, uhm woman.
I love beauty but either I do not have the time or technique on how to do it.
So what is another way of connecting with others through media?
I started to think about all the beauty blogs I read and I decided to start one too.
This is officially my first blog. I am not sure what I am going to write here, but anything is better than nothing I presume.
Cheers on the beginning of something new.